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Putting Pottery on Pause

This past year and a half with pottery has been a magical journey and it has brought me so much joy. So, it's not easy to say that I have to put the rest of my pottery journey on hold for a couple years.


The original plan with my significant other was to do Travel Physical Therapy (think Travel Nursing but for Physical Therapists) as soon as he graduated. Covid, has other plans... That's when we decided it would be best to move to Central PA and wait for things to stabilize before pursuing Travel PT (physical therapy). Once we got here, I picked up pottery again and that's when I decided to start doing markets as well. 


At this point, the world has stabilized enough that we've decided it's time to embark on the next journey that is Travel PT. We will be moving around the country for 3 months at a time. I'll continue working my day job (it's remote) and my significant other will be doing his Travel PT. Throughout this journey, we want to experience America in a way we otherwise couldn't and see what it has to offer. And hopefully, we can figure out where we want to settle down.


Since we will be traveling light and hopping between locations every 3 months, I won't be able to continue my pottery. I doubt that'll stop the influx of ideas for new pieces and designs though, I'll be sure to keep track of those. It's not easy to take this break, pottery has become a really big part of my life. But this journey is important and on the other side of it will be plenty more pottery and inspired pieces.


So for now, come visit me at some markets (check the home page and Instagram for the most up to date Market Schedule) and keep up with me on Social Media! I'll definitely go quiet for a little bit, but if you stick around I will revive the same Facebook/Instagram pages once I'm back at it.


Thank you to everyone for your support along the way. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store.

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